Friday, November 30, 2012

Southern Comfort Zone

If I could live anywhere in the world I would live in Tennessee.  My grandpa lives in the mountains of Tennessee and as far back as I can remember I have always loved being there. All of the mountains and greenery make me feel at home and at peace. I love hiking in deep wood and suddenly coming across wildlife and beautiful scenery. It would be amazing to wake up and sit on the porch while watching the sun come up, or being able to see all of the stars at night without those annoying city lights. Although I would love to live in the secluded mountains, I also really enjoy the bustling city of Nashville. Even though I have never actually been to Nashville, I still think I would enjoy it. Nashville is known for being one of the best music cities, which is right up my alley. Nashville is also home to Vanderbilt University, which is a College I am considering applying for. I think living outside of Ohio will be a good step for me. There is not anything left here for me, I  just hope to find my southern comfort zone.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

If money were no object..

What would you want to be and why would you want to be that? This question has given me a lot to think about. I never knew exactly what I wanted to be so this gave me the opportunity to really step back and think. I finally realized, if i could be anything I would be an author. I love reading and writing with all my heart and I would love to touch people with my writing like other authors have done for me.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Oy vey holidays...

The holidays and I have a love/hate relationship. Looking at all the lights reflecting off of the newly fallen snow while listening to Christmas music snuggled up in mittens and scarves  I love that. I honestly can not get enough of it. I wish it would be endless winter. On the other hand, holidays often involve family. I am not AT ALL a family person. I could live a perfectly happy life without seeing them. It sounds terrible but it is true... I do not enjoy my family, they are a bunch of loud, obnoxious, showy, whiny people. Again, it sounds terrible but it is true. My family has a lot of issues, more than I want to get into. Thus the reason I am trying my hardest not to be home this holiday season. If everything went my way I would read 100 books and sleep for days, unfortunately I can not do said things because my mom says I "have to be social". Hopefully the holidays won't kill me this year, I just have to keep thinking about the pumpkin rolls I get to eat.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

All of the Lights

    We live in a very modern world. Our world absolutely depends on electricity; laptops, cell phones, TVs, washers, dryers, and much, much more all depend on electricity. So image a world without electricity. What is there to do? Go outside? Play a board game? This all sounds old fashioned to us nowadays, but this is because families do not take the time to turn off their devices and actually have family time. So if the entire world were suddenly and completely cut off billions of people would be lost.
    I would most miss the lights. Of course, the first few days I would miss my cell phone, or my TV shows, but I can definitely live without them. On the other hand, I would miss my lights right away. I do not like being in the dark, at all. I am actually kind of afraid of the dark... I use the lights when there is no more sunlight left outside. Of course if it came down too it I could use candles, but as I stated, I am afraid of the dark and candles do not give off enough light for my standards. For me, lights are not just for keeping the monsters away during the night, I find so much beauty in looking at a lit up skyline, or twinkling Christmas lights on a snowy house. People often take lighting for granted because it is so easily available. For example, when stumbling around in the dark its much easier to flip a switch than fumbling around for a candle and a match. Even thought lights are very use full they can also be very expensive and waste a lot of electricity, which is exactly why I make it a point to turn off the lights when they are not in use, and save as much electricity for future generations.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Oh Sarah...

   I have read thousands of books in my short 15 years, but one books stands apart from all the rest. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen is my favorite book of all time. The story is about a young girl named Annabel Green. She seems to have the perfect life, but on the inside she is falling apart. Her sister has an eating disorder, her mom is crippling from depression, and she can not tell ANY one  not even her ex-bestfriend, what happened at the party that summer.
   I do not know why I fell in love with this book so much. I do not see myself in Annabel, though I see myself as wanting to be Annabel. Sarah Dessen does a fantastic job making all of her characters very relatable. Dessen is also probably my favorite author, because I own all 10 of her books and have read most of them more than once. Her writing makes me crave more and inspires me to write. My mother actually got me started reading Dessen and I have been addicted ever since. I own a book that was signed by her, though I have never actually met her. I would give anything to met her and let her know how much her and her books have meant to me.