Friday, January 25, 2013

Heroes and Victims

    Heroes are everywhere in this world, in every shape, size and color. From policemen, to firemen, to veterans and just plain everyday people. We can all be a hero, it is just a matter deciding who to put first, ourselves or others. For professions such as soldiers, police officers, and firefighters it is not a choice. They risk their lives daily for the well being of others. Some people might wonder why, such as myself, but I believe that it is because they see the importance of human live. They see that this random person they are saving is a mother, father, brother, sister, friend, to someone out there. They know that it is more important to help these people get back to their lives, safe and happy, rather than save themselves. To me all of these people that risk themselves daily are truly selfless. They bring hope to community's, cities and even nations because of their selfless actions.
     On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are the people who only look out for themselves. Everyone probably has a different reason for saving themselves instead of helping others around them. Some people might be afraid of death, which causes them to panic or others might think they deserve to live opposed to the person standing next to them. The people who think they are better than everyone are truly selfish in my eyes. They obviously see no value in human life and they do not care about anyone or anything except for what they are going to get out of the deal. Often times these are the loneliest people, because they push everyone else away (sometimes literally). In most TV shows and movies these people are often the victims. They think they can handle everything on their own but in the end they are the ones who need to be saved.
    So next time there is someone in need or a disaster in the area, do not just simply walk away and pretend there was nothing to see, make a choice, to either be a hero or a victim.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Conversations with my 25 year old self.

If I could meet any person from the past, present or future I would choose to travel into the future and meet the 25 year old me. I would love to see how I ended up later in my life. I would love to see who I was married too, if I am married at all. If I have children or any on the way. Myself and I would drive around my hometown and eat at my favorite places. We would talk about all the events that have happened in the past/future 10 years. We would also talk about my childhood and how my past affected me as an adult. I would hope that the future me has a better outlook on life and is happier than I am currently. I think it would be interesting to see if things actually do get better as time goes on. I just hope that I am extremely happy in my life no matter where I am or what I am doing.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Best Friends

I just finished a book and it talked a lot about best friends. The narrator was explain the top 3 things she loves about her best friends.  I have been meaning to write about my best friends for a while now but I never knew what I was going to say... So here goes nothing. The top three things I love about my best friends.


1. She can read my mind. She knows EXACTLY what I am thinking before I even say it. We say the same things at the same time and finish each others sentences. I swear we have Twin Telepathy.

2. She is an AMAZING baker. She has a natural talent for baking, anything and everything. Even though whatever she makes usually comes out of a box it tastes like it's made from scratch.

3.  She is gross. She burps and fart like a boy but somehow still manages to be the girl everyone wants to hang out with.


1. His dry sense of humor. He can make me laugh with one of his stupid jokes, even when I am bawling my eyes out.

2. The way he never takes anything too seriously. He lets everything just slide off his shoulder, but he still has a soft spot in his heart.

3. He is the kind of person you automatically feel comfortable with. I knew from the moment we met in 7th grade that we would be best friends. I can talk to him about anything in the world and I know he wouldn't see me any differently.


1. The way she randomly dances. Everywhere, any time of day, with or without music.

2. She doesn't care what people say or think about her. She is completely herself.

3.  How completely OBESSED she is with her favorite bands. She has signed posters and pictures covering her bedroom. All she posts on Facebook is tour dates and days until concerts and what the band members are doing. She even had her favorite member of her favorite band (Tony Perry from Peirce the Veil) on her 16th birthday cake. She ate his face.

Those are my best friends. They have been with my through up and downs in my life just like I have been there for them. I love them so much. I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Lazy Week..

This winter break was rather uneventful. I did not do much or go anywhere special. I mostly stuck around my house, either because my parents were working or they did not want to go anywhere. I spent almost everyday with my bestfriend Kayla. We layed in bed for hours. Occasionally we got up and watched TV or played a board game but that was very rare. On Christmas Eve I went to my boyfriend, Matthews house. We hung out around his house for a few hours until it was time to go to his grandmas house. We got to his grandmas, had dinner and sat around the dinner table and talked. It was great to actually be apart of one of their traditions. It made me feel like I was really apart of their family. Later that night we opened up presents. I gave Matt, his mom, stepdad, and 5 year old sister gifts.Of course they spoiled me by buying me too many things in return. It was nice to see his family again, they always make me feel welcome. The best part of that day was when I got Matt to play Barbies with me and his younger sister Bella. It makes me happy to see him care for her unlike most older brothers. I did not want to go home at the end of the day, mostly because I knew that I would just have to go home and sit there with nothing to do. I would have loved for it to be that amazing everyday of my winter break but I will take what I can get.