Friday, February 1, 2013

Swipper No Swipping!

Is it right for people to claim things that do not belong to them? Is it ok for someone to walk up and take something just because they want it or think they deserve it? To me, it is not ok. I think that taking things that belong to someone else is morally wrong and is also considered theft. For example, if there is a wallet laying on the sidewalk filled with not only money and credit cards but also a ID with the persons name and address it is not simply ok to take it and pretend nothing ever happened.
Now the other prospective, is it ok for someone to take their property or belonging back? The wallet situation for example, I think it the person who lost the wallet has every right to confront the person who took their wallet and demand it back. A situation where it would not be acceptable to take someone's belongs away would be if the person received it as a gift. It would just be rude if a person gave someone a gift then tried to take it back.
Point being, do not take things that belong to others.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts! Excellent examples! Be careful of correct spelling (perspective vs prospective, ok - text- okay - formal)
