Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cyber Bullying

Bullying is becoming a huge problem in todays society. It takes a lot of guts to bully a person face to face, but now-a-days we all communicate over computer or texts, and it makes bullying a whole lot easier. People bully for all different reasons. To seek revenge, to make themselves feel better, to make others feel worse. To me a bully is a weak person. If a person needs to put others down to raise themselves up then the person needs help. They either have very low self esteem or they just love to hurt others.

I think it is safe to say that the people who do the bullying are sad people, but what about the other people who see bullying being done and don't say anything? It has been statistically shown that if a bystander steps into a situation that it will mostly likely be diffused. So why do most of us turn away when we see these things? We chuckle and say "oh man! He/ she just got dogged!" And keep scrolling down the page. We shake it off like it is nothing and continue on with our day. Yet we do not see the bullied person at home crying. Or plotting their death over something some pathetic teenager said about them.

Often times bullies do not realize the affect they have on people. It seems that in todays world that it is almost acceptable to commit suicide for being bullied. It is all over the news and people just shake their heads and say "it's such a pity that that happened to such an innocent child" yet they do nothing to change the world us children are living in.

We as a society, as a human race, need to step back and take a look at what we are doing to each other. We need to realize that we are killing our own. Maybe not literally but by kicking someone while they are already down is killing their soul. We do not realize how harsh we are to each other, and maybe, just maybe if we all take a good hard look at what is going on in this world we will understand how precious these people and how we can keep ignoring this on going problem.

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