Friday, April 26, 2013


Responsibility is a trait not many people have, but many people learn to accept as they become older. Children for example, do not know when to take responsibility for their actions because they do not want to face the consequences  I believe that once a "child" becomes old enough to help themselves they should be held accountable for their actions. If they lie or do something wrong they should step up and say that they did not make the right choice. Same rule applies for adults; For example, adult B walks by adult A, who is homeless and begging on the street, who is at fault? I believe that A is mostly at fault for a number of reasons. One, because person A has gotten themselves into the situation. Two, because they are not strong enough to help themselves out of the situation. This is not to be said that they did not have hardships that brought them there, but they should try there hardest to get their life back on track. As for person B, they also have some responsibility in the situation. They could, and should, be the bigger person and stop and help the homeless man\woman. Unfortunately many people do not stop to help homeless people on the street. Although, we as human beings have certain responsibilities to other humans, such as helping in times of need. No matter what the situation is, we need to step up and take responsibility for our actions and others, even if we have nothing to do with the situation.